Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 23

Today was a slow day.  We woke up tired and not in the mood to work.  Plus I was going to a baby shower tonight, so I had this vision in my head of spending the day relaxing and not getting dusty.   Jon just laughed when I told him I thought I'd stay home today.  There is just to much to do and so we got our butts in gear and went to the house.  Somehow we managed to not really start working until around 1:30.   We hung the drywall and removed some trim which should have taken maybe an hour or two.  It took us about four.  I think we are burnt out at this point.  So we called it quits and went home.
I got so excited on the way home.  I was going to shower and go out!  Can I just say it is an amazing feeling to be clean, and in clothes that aren't covered in drywall mud or dust.   I had been looking forward to going out for weeks now.  No scrapers, spatulas or ladders involved.  Sitting down with friends from church and to top it off I got presents for the new baby!   Thank you so much Jill, Katie and Kelly, you have no idea how wonderful tonight was for me. 

 The bad wall

And the door is now gone!



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