Monday, September 21, 2009


We started decorating for Halloween today. Actually tonight. We had friends over for dinner first, and Annie got to play with our neighbors from our old apartment. She was super excited to say the least when I told her they were coming over. Little Miss Crabby No Nap stopped her movie and ran downstairs to play with her friends? Not what I had expected. I thought we would have meltdown after meltdown and figured the night would be a disaster. It was a wonderful surprise. She was in such a good mood after they left that I figured now was as good a time as any to get started on Halloween.
Since the day I moved in here I have wanted to decorate this two little windows flanking our front door. It was so exciting to actually get to today. Don't worry mom, I'm saving the rest of the house for when you get back (Annie wants to have a Halloween party, no pressure). I was a little short on my paper measurements so I have to go back to the store tomorrow and get more. other than that I think they turned out pretty cute. Drivers kept slowing down when they drove past. Not sure if they liked it or if we're going to get a complaint filed against us. So far no one on our street has decorated for anything. I'm just hoping I'm not in violation of some code or anything.


jill said...

I ADORE the windows - so jealous!


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