Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sick day

I suck at blogging right now.  Sorry, but I just can't keep up. It seems that being pregnant is way suckier than I remember.   Then add Annie, a new husband, work and a house full of dust, bugs and laundry and well, I'm sunk.  

Today I am home sick.   Annie and I caught some horrible bug that attacks your lungs.   All I do is cough which being pregnant causes me to pee my pants (it's not nearly as funny as it sounds), and poor Annie just stares at the tv coughing and asking if I will buy her what ever toy she sees on those wretched commercials.  Making me hate commercials, tv and toy companies all together.   After three hours I finally couldn't take it anymore, so I turned off the TV and made Annie get dressed.   She chose to put on a swimsuit and refused to wear anything else.   Too sick to protest I forced her outside for some sun and fresh air.   Not feeling up for a bike ride Annie and I headed into the kitchen garden.   She found bunch of carrots ready to come up, so we decided we would make chicken stock.   Four hours later the house is smelling like chicken stock, Annie is quietly sewing and I'm still peeing my pants every time I cough.



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