Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Ready, set BASEBALL!!!

 Texas and I took the kids to the baseball game on Friday with Tex's parents.  Baseball is way more fun for Annie with Tex's parents.  She got to go to Build a Bear, get cotton candy and eat unlimited quantities of nachos. 


My favorite part of the day was when my husband went into semi panic mode while I was getting the kids ready.  I couldn't find Annie's pink Cardinals shirt, which somehow meant that Elsie couldn't wear her pink Cardinals shirt.  I had to scramble to find Elsie's red Cardinals shirt, and no I could not wear my blue Cardinals shirt unless Tex was going to wear his.  Tex did not want to wear his blue shirt.  So we all went in red.  Is this normal?

 Yes, Build a bear is ridiculous, but Annie spent hours playing with her fake cell phone Grandpa T got her to go with her bear.

The morning after.
Maybe unlimited nachos and cotton candy isn't such a good idea.  
Thankfully it only happens once a year.


Little Maddy said...

HA! I never thought i'd see the day where YOU wear a sports shirt! LOVE IT! You guys are a suburban -matching- sport game attending - stereotypical family now! lol


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