Monday, April 6, 2009

Skeksis and mops

So I got two days away from my life.  It felt strange coming home.  The house messy, the bills still sitting where I left them, and Annie the absolute greatest thing in my life looking at me like a stranger.   
Oh, and the chickens too.  Twice the size as when I left them they are starting to resemble Skeksis (Jim Henson, Dark Crystal).    Somehow I felt like I didn't fit into all this.  That somehow I'd fallen out of rhythm with my life in the two days I had been away, and I've been struggling to get back into it.  
I'm starting by getting my house together.  It wasn't terrible, but it needs organization and a mop.    My next goal will be income.  I've lost quite a few clients with this darn economic crisis and need to shift things around again.  I'm so thankful God gave me the gift of flexibility.  And Annie? She finally came to recognize me as mom and we're pretty stable, so things are good there.  But the chickens?  Oh, they have got to get out of my house.  They now jump out of their pool and walk freely around the breakfast room (evoking nightmares of a Skeksis attack in my own home).  
While I was gone my friend Mark worked on their coop a lot.  It's completely framed and ready for shingles and walls!   I can't believe how much he got done.  But he's going out of town, and my homework while he's away is to shingle the roof.   I should find someone to show me how, but I'm so sick of asking for help.  I think I'm gonna see what YouTube can show me.


jill said...

I love the Dark Crystal ....knew exactly what you were talking about!


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